Mission Statement

DPC Frontier was founded with the goal of becoming the initial "go to" resource that will facilitate the growth of the DPC movement among physicians.  We believe that direct primary care will be the centerpiece of an effective healthcare system that meets the oft quoted triple-aim of access, cost, and quality.  We believe that price transparency and honesty are critical to the patient-physician relationship. We are happy to provide detailed advice and guidance for DPC physicians free of charge (while others often charge thousands of dollars for less comprehensive information).  We want to facilitate a dialogue among the physician community by providing accurate information, informative blog posts, and lively and open discussion forums - no passwords or dues required.

All of the content on the site is written by Philip Eskew, DO, JD, MBA. Here are links to some online profiles for Dr. Eskew:
American Osteopathic Association

Dr. Eskew's Academic Publications:

Exercising Patient Rights Under the HITECH Act, Eskew P, J Am Phys Surg, 2019;24:50-52.

Tips for Reviewing Your First Physician Employment Contract, Eskew P,  J Am Phys Surg, 2018;23:23-25.

Direct Primary Care Business of Insurance and State Law Considerations, Eskew P, Journal of Legal Medicine Vol. 37 , Iss. 1-2,2017.  (For those without journal access here is an Author's Original Manuscript version of the article above)

In Defense of Direct Primary Care, Eskew, P, Fam Pract Manag. 2016 Sep-Oct;23(5):12-14.

Why this West Virginia Trained Physician Moved to Wyoming, Eskew, P.  WV Med J, 2015 Nov - Dec;111(6):8-9.  (Available open-access online via the West Virginia Medical Journal website)

Direct Primary Care Practice Distribution and Cost Across the Nation, Eskew P, Klink K.  J Am Board Fam Med, 2015;28(6):793-801.  (Available open-access online via the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine)

Direct Primary Care Membership Medicine, Eskew P, W V Med J. 2014 Mar - Apr;110(2):8-11. PMID: 24902461  (Available open-access online via the West Virginia Medical Journal website)

Which State Best Suits Your Medical Practice – an Analysis and Reference Guide, Eskew P,  J Am Phys Surg, 2014;19:115-121.  Reviewed by Martin Merritt of Physicians Practice, and by Greg Kelly of Physician's Money Digest

Dr. Eskew's Recorded Presentations:
ENT Emergencies: Epistaxis, Epiglottitis, Tonsillar Abscess (03/19/25), Proactive MD
Histamine Sensitivity, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome & Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (03/12/25), Proactive MD
Cosmetic Procedures (02/26/25), Proactive MD
The Preparticipation Sports Physical (02/19/25), Proactive MD
Testicular Torsions & Testicular Cancer (02/12/25), Proactive MD
Psychosis (01/29/25), Proactive MD
Rhabdomyolysis (01/22/25), Proactive MD
Myositis & Muscle Weakness (01/15/25), Proactive MD
Neurologic State of Mind (01/08/25), Proactive MD
Fatigue (12/11/24), Proactive MD
Acute Abdominal Pain (12/04/24) Proactive MD
Medical Liability, NPDB, and Deposition Pointers (11/20/24) Proactive MD
Targeted Cancer Therapy (11/13/24) Proactive MD
Vitamin D (11/06/24) Proactive MD
Firefighter Fitness for Duty Evaluations (10/30/24) Proactive MD
Hospice and Palliative Care (10/16/24) Proactive MD
Scleroderma / Sjogren’s / Granulomatosis with polyangiitis / Antiphospholipid/ Behcets/ Cold Agglutinin Disease (10/09/24) Proactive MD
Bladder Cancer & Hematuria (10/02/24) Proactive MD
Environmental Medicine (09/25/24) Proactive MD
OSHA Flirting with First Aid (09/25/24) Proactive MD
Dementia (09/18/24) Proactive MD
Travel Medicine Clinical Pearls (09/04/24) Proactive MD
How to Refer a Patient (08/28/24) Proactive MD
Aviation Medical Examiner Clinical Pearls Part 2 (08/14/24) Proactive MD
Infertility Part 2 (led by Ashley Eskew, MD) (08/07/24)
Concussion & Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (07/24/24) Proactive MD
Aviation Medical Examiner Clinical Pearls Part 1 (07/24/24) Proactive MD
Liver Disease - Cirrhosis & Hepatitis C and Radiation Oncology (07/17/24) Proactive MD
GLP-1s Answering the Hard Questions, (07/03/24) Proactive MD
Infertility Part 1 (led by Ashley Eskew, MD) (06/05/24), Proactive MD
Endometriosis/Dysmenorrhea/Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Proactive MD (05/22/24)
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding & Fibroids, Proactive MD (05/08/14)
Anemia, Proactive MD (05/01/14)
Pancreatitis: Acute & Chronic, Proactive MD (04/24/24)
Fractures - Set it and Forget it or Refer to Ortho?, Proactive MD (04/03/24)
Dental Problems in Primary Care, Proactive MD (03/27/24)
Transgender Regulatory & Clinical Overview, Proactive MD (03/20/24)
Conflicts of Interest, DPC Nuts & Bolts Conference in Orlando, FL (03/16/24)
Hearing Loss, Cerumen Impaction, Tinnitus, Proactive MD (03/06/24)
OSHA, Proactive MD (02/28/24)
Valvular Disease: Aortic Stenosis, Mitral Regurgitation, & Carotid Stenosis, Proactive MD (02/21/24)
HIPAA: Answering the Hard Questions, Proactive MD (01/17/24)
Coronary Artery Disease & Congestive Heart Failure, Proactive MD (01/10/24)
Atrial Fibrillation & Atrial Flutter, Proactive MD (01/03/24) (better sound at 2:21 mark)
Exercise Recommendations - Be Specific, Proactive MD (12/13/23)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Proactive MD (11/08/23)
Constipation (along with Hemorrhoids & Diverticulosis & IBS), Proactive MD (11/01/23)
Polymyalgia Rheumatica & Giant Cell Arteritis, Proactive MD (10/25/23)
Reactive Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondylosis, Proactive MD (10/25/23)
Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Proactive MD (10/25/23)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Myasthenia Gravis, Proactive MD (10/11/23)
Food Allergies, Proactive MD (09/27/23)
Fibromyalgia, Proactive MD (09/20/23)
Sickle Cell Disease & Polycythemia Vera, Proactive MD (09/13/23)
Osteoporosis, Proactive MD (09/06/23)
Multiple Myeloma, MGUS & Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s, Non-Hodgkin’s & Cutaneous T Cell), Proactive MD (08/23/23)
Leukemia - Chronic Myelogenous & Chronic Lymphocytic & Multiple Myeloma, Proactive MD (08/09/23)
Foot & Ankle Pain, Proactive MD (07/26/23)
Why We Don’t Check Everything, Proactive MD (07/19/23)
Geriatrics, Polypharmacy, Advanced Directives, Proactive MD (07/12/23)
Hyperparathyroidism, Proactive MD (06/21/23)
Schizophrenia, Proactive MD (06/14/23)
Lichen Planus | Atopic Dermatitis | Seborrheic Dermatitis, Proactive MD (06/07/23)
Parasites & Prevention, Proactive MD (05/24/23)
Why Are We Ordering This, Proactive MD (05/17/23)
Adrenal Insufficiency, Proactive MD (05/03/23)
Vision Screenings, Proactive MD (04/19/23)
Acne, Proactive MD (03/29/23)
Lower Extremity Edema & Wound Care, Proactive MD (03/08/23)
Allergic Rhinitis, Proactive MD (02/22/23)
Bipolar Disorder, Proactive MD (01/25/23)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Proactive MD (01/18/23)
Depression, Proactive MD (01/11/23)
Anxiety, Proactive MD (01/04/23)
Menopause Identification & Treatment, Proactive MD (12/07/22)
Testosterone Replacement, Proactive MD (11/16/22)
Parkinson’s Disease & Essential Tremor, Proactive MD (11/09/22)
Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease, Proactive MD (10/12/22)
Substance Use Disorder, Proactive MD (10/05/22)
Chronic Neck Pain, Proactive MD (09/14/22)
Chronic Kidney Disease, Proactive MD (09/07/22)
FMLA & Workers Compensation, Proactive MD (07/27/22)
Restrictive Lung Disease, Proactive MD (07/20/22)
Urinary Incontinence, BPH, Interstitial Cystitis, Proactive MD (07/06/22)
Lupus, Proactive MD (06/15/22)
Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Pain, Proactive MD (06/01/22)
Infectious Disease Screenings, Proactive MD (05/18/22)
Cancer Screenings (USPSTF & NCCN), Proactive MD (05/04/22)
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Proactive MD (04/13/22)
Gout, Proactive MD (03/30/22)
Hyperthyroidism, Proactive MD (03/16/22)
Hypothyroidism, Proactive MD (03/02/22)
Seizures, Proactive MD (02/02/22)
ADHD, Proactive MD (01/26/22)
Hypertension Intro & Discussion (01/05/22)
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Proactive MD (12/08/21)
Low Back Pain, Proactive MD (11/13/21)
UTIs and URIs, Proactive MD (11/10/21)
Informed Consent, AAPS Annual Meeting (10/02/21)
Knee Pain, Proactive MD (09/15/21)
Acid Reflux, Proactive MD (08/25/21)
Psoriasis - Don’t Flake Out, Proactive MD (08/04/21)
Palpitations, Proactive MD (07/07/21)
Chronic Shoulder Pain, Proactive MD (06/16/21)
Dyslipidemia, Proactive MD (05/12/21)
My Hip Hurts, Proactive MD (04/14/21)
Insomnia, Proactive MD (03/17/21)
Does Discussing Migraines Give You a Headache? Proactive MD (01/23/21)
Weight Loss Medication Options Proactive MD Summit (Handouts) (09/19/20)
Evolving COVID Employer Questions Proactive MD Summit (Handouts) (09/19/20)
HIPAA, OSHA, CLIA, & Dispensing, Proactive MD Summit (05/03/20)
Workup & Treatment of Autoimmune Joint Pain & Rash, Proactive MD Summit (05/02/20)
A DPC Medicare Pilot in Ten Codes or Less, Proactive MD Summit (05/02/20)
For Employers Seeking Tax Favored DPC Vehicles Look to (EB)HRAs and telemedicine for HSAs, Proactive MD Summit (05/02/20)
Your Patients CAN Fight to Fair Market Value & DPC Legislative Update, AAPS CME (04/30/20)
Charting, Documenting, & Risk Mitigation, Proactive MD Summit (01/20/20)
Legal Issues, Contracting Issues, Compliance, DPC Nuts & Bolts, (11/15/19)
State and Federal Policy Update, DPC Summit (06/30/19)
Piercing the Corporate Health Care Veil: Getting a Fair Price on Your Terms, DPC Summit (06/29/19)
MEWA Like Your HRA...Just Don’t Give Me a Bad STLDI, Hint Summit (04/26/19)
Beating Insurers by Saying Goodbye: Direct Primary Care Legal Update, AAPS (02/22/19)
Legal Issues and Compliance, DPC Nuts and Bolts to 2.0 (11/02/18)
Using Direct Primary Care to Minimize Conflicts of Interest and Regulatory Risk, AAPS (10/06/18)
Direct Primary Care: Policy Update & Legal Offensive, AAPS (04/06/18)
Q & A With Panel 1: Opting Out of Medicare and Legal Aspects of Cash Practice (04/06/2018)
Legal issues, Contracting issues, Compliance 2017, DPC Nuts and Bolts to 2.0 (10/13/17)
Legal Q&A, DPC Nuts and Bolts to 2.0 (10/13/17)
Legal Challenges for the Startup DPC Practice, DPC Nuts and Bolts to 2.0 (10/13/17)
The Future Legal and Regulatory Landscape of Direct Care, Hint Summit 2017 (04/28/17)
Panel 2 - Legal, DPC Nuts and Bolts to 2.0 (10/14/16)
DPC Policy Update & Going on the Legal Offensive, AAPS (06/09/2017)
Direct Primary Care: Achieving Price Transparency, AAPS (01/27/2017)
Free Market Medicine: Navigating the Regulatory Maze, AAPS (01/30/2016)




Philip Eskew, DO, JD, MBA 

Dr. Eskew founded DPC Frontier in Feb 2015.  He continues to practice broad scope family medicine, averaging more than 50 clinical hours per week, mostly in the correctional (prison) medicine setting in Wyoming.  He joined ProactiveMD in Feb 2016 and is the company's VP of Clinical Development and General Counsel.  He completed his family medicine residency at the Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center in Lititz, Pennsylvania in June 2015 and was honored with the American Osteopathic Foundation's Outstanding Resident of the Year Award in Family Medicine. He has been researching direct primary care (DPC) models for many years, including an intensive experience as a Visiting Scholar at the Robert Graham Center where his work was later published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. He has also been published in the West Virginia Medical Journal, the Journal of Legal Medicine, Family Practice Management, and the Journal of American Physicians & Surgeons.  Dr. Eskew has advised state and federal legislators about DPC legislation, and volunteers his time as the general counsel of the Direct Primary Care Coalition where he also serves as a member of the steering committee.  He graduated from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in 2012, the West Virginia University College of Law in 2008, the University of Kentucky Gatton MBA Program in 2006, and West Virginia Wesleyan College with accounting and chemistry majors in 2005. He has been a member of the Kentucky Bar since 2011, obtained a limited certificate to practice with the South Carolina Bar in 2016, and intends to use his diverse training to not only grow Proactive MD, but to support other DPC practices in the medical, legal, and policy arenas.  Dr. Eskew regularly speaks about direct primary care.  He has spoken at events organized by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Legal Medicine, the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, the Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation, the New York State Bar Association, the Kentucky Academy of Family Physicians, and the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians (Please see the events page for details.)


Colin McDonnell

Colin graduated from MIT in 2016 with a BS in computer science, and shortly thereafter started building software for direct primary care docs. He’s the CTO and IT guy for DPC Frontier, and is responsible for the new and improved mapper and physician dashboard. He’s also the author and maintainer of the Master DPC Startup Checklist. He’s currently building a new EMR for DPC over at Bagel.
